Semester's end... summer's beginning!

As everyone knows, we are at the end of the semester, doing the last exams, and in my case, doing also the planning for the summer!
Final exams are always a lot of stress, and If that was not enough, the German courses in Bielefeld start the next Monday.
I need to pass the TestDAF before to start studying the Master, but It looks that I cannot do the preparation course for this exam, if I don't have already a high level in German language. Is it just me or it sounds a bit... stupid?
I understand that for them is really important to have students with a good level because if they weren't, the lessons would be a bit boring for some of them, and a bit dificult for the others.
But five months German courses? Are you insane? If I have to do it, and pay all of them, it's gonna be around... 375€ x 4 =1500€ and 500€ for preparation course... 2.000€!! Great! I think I should work four months just for paying this shit...
Anyway, I don't have many options, so I will start doing this German course and we will see after it, because who knows...
The good thing, is that they have holidays in the 3th and 4th week of August, so It looks that maybe I can have some holidays at home :)
I'm starting to realise what means all about to start a new life in another country. You cannot expect to see ur family often, You don't have time enough for travelling home as many times as you would like.
You have to do every single thing alone. In your own way.
So I don't have high expectations about the summer, and about the future, because who knows... But that doesn't mean I will give up! How Foo Fighters said... I will never surrender!!
So looaking at the next months my expectations are more or less...

 First priority tasks:
  • German course.
  • Self-study (German, TestDAF).
  • TestDAF exam in September.
  • Find a job at some Cafe or restaurant.
  • Start with the CV´s
  • Translate my studies into German.
  • Look for Job's offers.
 Second priority tasks:
  • Visit Guille in Münich.
  • Visit Münster.
  • Visit Berlín. 
Alternative plans:
  • Visit Italy.
  • Visit Denmark.
  • Visit France.



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