
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2012

The only way to do things is: one to one.

But in the serious way... Doesn't count just try to do something for days... That's not the idea. The idea is to keep time for each task, but first you need to know the most important thing: which tasks? One of the major problems is to know exactly what to do, and when! It's in relation with the priorities (old knowned of everyone). It usually happens, that we are not honest when we do our TASK LIST. We don't pay enough attention to try to find the tasks. There are so many tasks that we need to do and we ignored, that normally they are the reason of the failure of our plannings. (Sounds interesting! hey?) So, like usually... open your mind!!! Think about every small thing that you have to do, you need to do, you should do or you would like to do (because It's never the same have to, need to, should or would like to) and... Write everyone of them! And then our loved friends the priorities. Everyone knows something about this shit of making plannings, and pr...

Vale, tengo un problema...

Dicen que lo importante es admitirlo, asi que aqui estoy, para reconocer públicamente mi problema. Soy un desastre cumpliendo mis plannings. Vale partamos de la base de que se me da de puta madre hacer plannings. Pero ese no es el problema, el problema es CUMPLIRLOS. Puedo hacer plannings a largo plazo, medio plazo, corto plazo. Pero soy incapaz cumplir ninguno de ellos, ni de lejos. Asi que todas las semanas me pasa lo mismo: empiezo el lunes con algo de pereza y de resaca emocional del fin de semana, y con alguna tarea urgente despues el finde. Venga vá, los lunes hago cosas útiles, pero nada acorde con mi plan, cosas urgentes, extras. A veces incluso no tengo suficiente con el lunes, y tengo que tirar de parte del martes. Entre que me meto en semana y cojo la rutina nos plantamos en miercoles, mitad de semana, alguna visita, cosas para la casa, ambos. Si a eso le sumamos mi incapacidad innata para irme a dormir a una hora razonable, y levantarme a la hora a la que me pro...