What a moment that I did plans for the summer!!! My plans about starting this week a german course, with dos weeks-break for going to Spain in August, to be one week in Cádiz for my grandmother's birthday, and to spend a few days with my mother and sister in Benidorm... have become in two weeks holidays in Germany, and 10 weeks german course... until 12.October!!! So no holidays in Spain =( no Cádiz... and no holidays with mum and sis!!! So it looks like someone didn't give us enough information and the papier that we got from Bürgeramt is not enough to have the german courses for around 100€, instead we should pay now this course, and get free the course in September. So me and one friend with the same problem, went to another languague school in the same city, Bielefeld, and there the courses will start in 6.August, so we will have time for getting the important papier, called Berechtigungschein für Integration Kurs. And that's all. We have submit the...